18 July 2010

kenapa sy jadi cikgu..

Assalamualaikum WBT...

hehe..tetiba jek arini terfikir about this..hmmmm..nape agaknye aku jadik cikgu ek? maybe sbb2 alasan berikut kot...

1. family background..
iyela, dh parents mmg cikgu..maybe sbb tuh kot aku jadik cikgu..dari kecik mmg suka tolong diaorg marking kertas peksa..hehehe..pastu, bocor markah kat kwn2, esp. kat skolah aku ar, yg mana mak aku pun ngajar kat situ..hahahahaha..tp, aku x penah ek bocor soalan peksa w/pun aku tolong mak 'menggolek' kertas soklan..iyela, dulu mane ade mesin photostat, guna yg gelek tu jek la..smpi hitam2 n lenguh2 tgn menggolek mesin tu, n kena dakwat lagi..huhu..tp aku suka..lagipun, maybe darah pendidik tu kuat kot..cheewaahhh, iyela..family belah mak aku mmg ramai yg jadik cikgu..maybe sbb tu la kot..

2. mmg cita2 dari kecik..

waktu kita kecil2 dulu kan, mesti ramai yg tanya, esp. cikgu kat skolah rendah.."dh besar nnt nk jadik ape?" n kita akan jawab, "doktor cikgu..sy pun nk jadik cikgu jugak, mcm cikgu..hehehe"..at least, that's what i'm saying years ago..hehe..naik skolah menengah, cita2 nk jadi cikgu mmg ade tp lebih kpd nk jadik doc tu lg kuat..maklumla, naik f4 masuk science stream..tp, bila time kuar result peksa spm jek, result xla membanggakn..huhu..tu la, main2 lagi waktu nk amik exam..huhu..

3. dpt course edu kat itm..
alhamdulillah, setelah a year menunggu nk masuk public uni, finally i was accepted to uitm sec.17 s.alam..mase menunggu tuh, smpt gak la aku amik pre-dip comp.science kat kolej swasta..n aku mmg bersyukur yg amat bcoz i was the best student for that course, w/pun sebenarnya aku byk main2 jek..huhu..when i applied for tesl programme, one of my lec asked me,"dpt ke mintak tesl? english dpt brape?"..dia mcm x caya jek aku apply tesl..huhu..lagipun, mase tuh all my lecturers suh aku sambung amik comp.science, iyela, best studentla katakan (ayat bangga diri)..hahahaha..but, aku xnk..n i was really hoping that i'll be accepted to itm..n it came true..so, in the year 1999, i was officially a student in itm..hehe

4. practicum
during my last year, kitaorg kena wat praktikal..iyela, utk mmpraktikkan what we've learnt..mase blajar tuh, mmgla susah sket coz everything in english..except subject2 tertentu jek dlm malay n third language..i took japanese as my third language..n bila tiba nk practicum, memasing kecut perut.."aku dpt skolah mane?" "okay x skolah tuh?" "sape supervisor aku?" "bdk2nye ok x?"..huhu..mcm2 soklan tetiba terlintas kat otak aku yg kecik nih..huhu..tp, bila dh start practicum tuh, mmg bestla..berjumpa ngan bdk2 yg bermacam ragam..balik practicum, share ngan mmbr2 citer2 lawak kat skolah..hehe..n sometimes, ade terlintas yg mmg jiwa aku utk mengajar..hehe

5. sbb sy suka jadik cikgu..hehe
for me, keja cikgu paling best..sbb ape? sbb aku mmg suka ngan environment kat skolah..every monday morning ade assembly, n ptg ade latihan sukan (w/pun kadang2 ase malas nk turun..hehe)..jumpa bdk2 yg bermcm ragam..setiap hari ragam yg berbeza..n mcm2 lagila yg mmbuatkn aku mmg suka jadik cikgu..hehe..ade aktiviti ko-kurikulum, camping, sukan, rombongan etc2..lagipun, i'm dealing with people, teenagers yg tgh mencari2 lagi identiti mereka..so, i'm happy n glad if i can help them to find themselves.. *wink*

p/s: cuma kdg2 ade masenye tetiba fed-up n give-up..but i always hope that one day, students will realize what we (teachers) have done is for their own good n future..we always pray for them even though sometimes diaorg kena denda or rotan, our only intention is to teach them, bukannye sbb benci or dendam..

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