hari ni aku dok bebel lagi kat kelas..mane x nye, ari2 dok dengar keluh-kesah my colleagues about 'my kids'..not biological kids hokey (insyaAllah, coming soon..)..hehe..hmm..depa neh eventhough da exam is just around da corner, they still not taking it seriously..still lagi x wat homeworks, chit-chatting in class, ignoring the teachers n bla bla bla...w'pun dah pecah class according to the trial result, tp depa nih mmg still not serious...cikgu2 lak yg dok risau ape nk jadi ngan depa neh...bila cikgu ckp kat depan, depa dok borak kat blakang...sape x hangen!! sepenyabar aku pun, kengkadg aku hangen tau!! cam org b***h jek ckp sengsorang kat depan bila org lain x mo dgr...huhuhu..sian x kat kitaorg neh? :-( ase cam ringan jek tangan nk baling something kat, kalu tersalah baling nnt, aku gak yg susah...nnt ade lak 2nd episode...huhuhu
tapi, pleaseeeeeee la serious, okey...korang tau x yg kitaorg neh sebenarnya kengkdg x cukup tido n rehat nk focus kat korang neh...dok sibuk cari trial questions from other states, just for u!! (kengkdg on fb..hehehe)..dh cari, then nk pi wat copies lagik utk korang...bukannye senang tau...kdg2 we have to pay for it using our own money, but u guys just simply wat derk jek ngan question paper tuh...hilanglah, x bawakla, wat alas la, wat bungkus nasi lemak etc etc...huhuhu...x siapla, x retila...wei, kalu korang x reti, usahalah lebih sket...xkan semua benda nk cikgu yg kasi...pleaseeela, be independent...
"Allah xkan mengubah nasib seseorg itu kecuali seseorg itu berusaha utk mengubah nasibnye sendiri..."
x kanla itu pun nak kitaorg yg wat...huhuhu...utk yg rase2 dia pandai, pleaseeela...focus on ur study...keep on revising ur subject...n for mine, kalu rase2 dh leh wat essay, jgnla terlalu confident ek...sometimes, overconfident can bring u down...huhuhu...i'm not asking much, just always read n write...hopefully u'll pass with flying colours..
p/s: kalu ade yg terasa, sorry k..i'm just expressing my feeling..(^o^)